Adele - My Same - Şarkı Sözü

Başlatan Tekyürek, 25 Ekim 2014, 01:04:35

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0 Üyeler ve 1 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.

You said I'm stubborn and I never give in

I think you're stubborn 'cept you're always softening

You say I'm selfish, I agree with you on that

I think you're giving out in way too much in fact

I say we've only known each other a year

You say I've known you longer, my dear

You like to be so close, I like to be alone

I like to sit on chairs and you prefer the floor

Walking with each other

Think we'll never match at all

But we do, but we do, but we do, but we do

I thought I knew myself, somehow you know me more

I've never known this, never before

You're the first to make up whenever we argue

I don't know who I'd be if I didn't know you

You're so provocative, I'm so conservative

You're so adventurous, I'm so very cautious, combining

You think we would and we do

But we do, but we do, but we do

Favoritism ain't my thing but

In this situation, I'll be glad

Favoritism ain't my thing but

In this situation, I'll be glad to make an exception

You said I'm stubborn and I never give in

I think you're stubborn 'cept you're always softening

You say I'm selfish, I agree with you on that

I think you're giving out in way too much in fact

I say we've only known each other one year

You say I've known you longer, my dear

You like to be so close, I like to be alone

I like to sit on chairs and you prefer the floor

Walking with each other

Think we'll never match at all

But we do

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