Adele - Right As Rain - Şarkı Sözü

Başlatan Tekyürek, 25 Ekim 2014, 01:04:43

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0 Üyeler ve 1 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.

Who wants to be right as rain, it's better when something is wrong. You get exci

tement in your bones and everything you do is a game. When night comes and your

on your own you can say I chose to be alone. Who wants to be right as rain, it's

 harder when you're on top. 'Cause when hard work don't pay off and I'm tired,

There ain't no room in my bed, as far as I'm concerned. So wipe that dirty smile

 of, We won't be making up, I've cried my heart out  and now I've had enough of

love. Who wants to be riding high when you'll just crumble back on down. You gi

ve up everything you are and even then you don't get far. They make believe that

 everything is exactly what it seems. But at least when you're at your worst, yo

u'll know how to feel things. 'Cause when hard work don't pay off and I'm tired

, There ain't no room in my bed, as far as I'm concerned. So wipe that dirty smi

le of, We won't be making up, I've cried my heart out  and now I've had enough o

f love. Go ahead and steal my heart to make me cry again, 'cause it will never

hurt as much it did then, when we were both right and no one had blame, but now

I give up on this endless game. 'Cause who wants to be right as rain, it's bett

er when something is wrong. I get excitement in my bones, even though everything

's a strain. When night comes and I'm on my own, you should know I chose to be a

lone. Who wants to be right as rain, it's harder when you're on top. 'Cause whe

n hard work don't pay off and I'm tired, There ain't no room in my bed, as far a

s I'm concerned. So wipe that dirty smile of, We won't be making up, I've cried

my heart out  and now I've had enough of love. (2x)


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