Adele - Steady As She Goes - Şarkı Sözü

Başlatan Tekyürek, 25 Ekim 2014, 01:04:47

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Find yourself a girl  And settle down Live a simple life  In a quiet town Stead

y as she goes  (Steady as she goes) Steady as she goes  (Steady as she goes) So

 steady as she goes Your friends have shown  A kink  In the single life You've

had  Too much to think  Now you need a wife Steady as she goes  (Steady as she

goes) So steady as she goes  (Steady as she goes) Well here we go again You've

found yourself  A friend  That knows you well But no matter  What you do You'll

always feel  As though you  Tripped and fell So steady as she goes When you ha

ve completed  What you thought  You had to do And your blood's  Depleted  To the

 point  Of stable glue Then you'll get along Then you'll get along Steady as s

he goes  (Steady as she goes) So steady as she goes  (Steady as she goes) Well

here we go again You've found yourself  A friend  That knows you well But no mat

ter  What you do You'll always feel  As though you  Tripped and fell So steady

as she goes Steady as she goes Settle for a girl  (Settle for a girl)  Neither

up or down  (Neither up or down) Sell it to the crowd  (Sell it to the crowd)  T

hat is gathered round  (That is gathered round) Settle for a girl  (Settle for

a girl)  Neither up or down  (Neither up or down) Sell it to the crowd  (Sell it

 to the crowd)  That is gathered round  (That is gathered round) So steady as s

he goes  (Steady as she goes) Steady as she goes  (Steady as she goes) Steady a

s she goes  (Steady as she goes) So steady as she goes  (Steady as she goes) St

eady as she go  Are you steady now? Steady as she goes  Are you steady now? Ste

ady as she goes  Are you steady now? Steady as she goes  Are you steady now? St

eady as she goes

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