Chameleon Launcher for Tablets

Başlatan Ömer Yanbaş, 12 Nisan 2016, 23:12:10

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   AlıntıChameleon Launcher for Tablets v1.0.0
   Chameleon is a revolutionary tablet-specific launcher that lets you create multiple home screens, each with your own layout of widgets and apps. The Chameleon system includes an innovative context based home screen system giving you the most relevant information that you want, when you want it.
   The Next Generation of Widgets.
   Android widgets are not all created equally - and that's the problem - so we decided to raise the bar. The result is widgets that look beautiful together and are as easy to layout as drawing on a screen. Take a look at some of our other widgets or build your own with our custom API.
   Media Player (Coming soon)
   RSS News Reader
   Home Screens that Change With You
   Your information needs may change throughout your day, so Chameleon includes an innovative context system. You can create context rules based on GPS locations, WiFi networks and time ranges, allowing you to define which Home Screen is the most relevant for any situation.
   App Tray & Launcher
   Chameleon doesn't just let you customize your Home Screens with the widgets you want. It also lets you customize your own mini App Tray. Giving you the apps you want up front, without having to swim through a large grid of apps.
   Super Easy To Customize
   Quickly set up Home Screens, Widgets, App Trays, and Wallpapers all with a few gestures
   Required Android O/S : 3.2+ Tablets
   Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap

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