G900F Galaxy S5 XtreStoLite Rom v1.0.3 Hafif ve Akıcı, Aroma (05.05.2015)

Başlatan Tekyürek, 08 Nisan 2016, 00:12:34

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Rom Özellikleri
- Based on the latest Samsung Stock XXU1ANCE firmware
(U1ANCF isn't newer, it has the same date and changelist number)
- Stock Kernel
- De-bloated to 534 MB, it's just barebone stock firmware
- All the standard features of Stock Android will work
- ROM includes the Samsung Gallery and Camera
- Unique separate Aroma Add-on Package which includes all the removed Samsung 'bloatware' apps, so that you can flash at any time your missing app back... SEE POST #2
- Latest Google Keyboard
- SuperSu rooted & BusyBoxed
- KNOX fully removed
- At every boot the FsTrim command will be excecuted, to keep your Phone smooth and the internal memory fast!
(Make sure you enable the included Universal Init.d app for this, or use any custom kernel!)
- SD-card write permissions
- Odexed (to keep it ART Runtime compatible, and to keep 100% original stock files = faster)
- ART Runtime works (Make sure you haven't the Xposed Framework installed when using ART)
- Multi-CSC (Including one extra BTU CSC with the secondary symbols removed from the Samsung Keyboard!)
- This ROM fully supports the following models: G900F, G900T, G900M, G900W8 and G900I
G900P is also supported, but you need to flash an fix to get the data working
- 100% Original Stock files (No mods or etc), this gives you the fastest & smoothest experience, really!

Yükleme Adımları
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İndirme Linkleri
Rom Zip - Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap
MD5: 8d663ba1a9eb3461f4516e1102d319e6

G900F/T/I//M/W8/P modellerini desteklemektedir.
Linkback: G900F Galaxy S5 XtreStoLite Rom v1.0.3 Hafif ve Akıcı, Aroma (05.05.2015)
  • Gösterim 1,737 
  • Samsung Galaxy S5 G900
  • 0 Yanıtlar

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