Galaxy s4 i-9500 ROM MTK6577/512MB RAM/5"

Başlatan mecenas666, 02 Aralık 2013, 14:51:40

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I have a big problem with my galaxy s4 clone. I flashed it with wrong rom and after that when im trying to repair it and flash with rom that is suitable for my specification something goes wrong. I have found many ROMs for s4 clone with my specyfication (mtk6577, 5 inches, 512 RAM), but when i try to flash it there is one of this situations:

1. Phone is booting up, i hear sounds, i feel vibrations, i can unlock lockscreen, i can switch screen with my finger, but the screen is black (there is only backlight)
2. The same situation, as above, but the screen has colorful strips or something like that (like gpu artefacts) and sometimes i see boot logo only in last pixel line of my display.

There is no mechanical damage. It happens after flash the wrong ROM. I give you log file from MTKdroid tool. I remember, that this telephone in antutu was showing MTK6589 and 2GB ram, but its fake - the real one is MTK6577 (according to MTKdroid tool). I also remember, that display in this clone is very good (real 5" and very good resolution). Can anybody help me to find suitable rom?

Alıntı Yap
29/11/13 11:16:38 Cpuinfo Íardware =MTK6589
29/11/13 11:16:38 ATTENTION!  Fake Hardware in kernel or firmware doesn't correspond to phone!
29/11/13 11:16:38 Hardware : MT6577 (MTK6589 is Fake!)
29/11/13 11:16:38 Part_Name   Size   StartAddr   Type   MapTo
29/11/13 11:16:38 preloader    0x0000000000040000   0x0000000000000000   2   /dev/misc-sd
29/11/13 11:16:38 dsp_bl       0x00000000005c0000   0x0000000000040000   2   /dev/misc-sd
29/11/13 11:16:38 mbr          0x0000000000004000   0x0000000000000000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0
29/11/13 11:16:38 ebr1         0x0000000000004000   0x0000000000004000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
29/11/13 11:16:38 pmt          0x0000000000400000   0x0000000000008000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0
29/11/13 11:16:38 nvram        0x0000000000500000   0x0000000000408000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0
29/11/13 11:16:38 seccfg       0x0000000000020000   0x0000000000908000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0
29/11/13 11:16:38 uboot        0x0000000000060000   0x0000000000928000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0
29/11/13 11:16:38 bootimg      0x0000000000600000   0x0000000000988000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0
29/11/13 11:16:38 recovery     0x0000000000600000   0x0000000000f88000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0
29/11/13 11:16:38 sec_ro       0x0000000000600000   0x0000000001588000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
29/11/13 11:16:38 misc         0x0000000000060000   0x0000000001b88000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0
29/11/13 11:16:38 logo         0x0000000000300000   0x0000000001be8000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0
29/11/13 11:16:38 expdb        0x0000000000200000   0x0000000001ee8000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0
29/11/13 11:16:38 android      0x0000000020100000   0x00000000020e8000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
29/11/13 11:16:38 cache        0x0000000020100000   0x00000000221e8000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0p4
29/11/13 11:16:38 usrdata      0x0000000020100000   0x00000000422e8000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
29/11/13 11:16:38 fat          0x000000007f138000   0x00000000623e8000   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0p6
29/11/13 11:16:38 bmtpool      0x0000000001500000   0x00000000ff9f00a8   2   /dev/block/mmcblk0

29/11/13 11:16:40 Model : GT-I9500
29/11/13 11:16:41 Build number : ALPS.ICS2.MP.V1.3
29/11/13 11:16:41 Build date UTC : 20131016-092420
29/11/13 11:16:42 Android  v : 4.2.2
29/11/13 11:16:42 /system/recovery-from-boot.p: No such file or directory
29/11/13 11:16:42 Kernel v : 3.0.13 (root@android) (gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC) ) #2 SMP  Tue Oct 22 10:26:46 CST 2013
29/11/13 11:16:42  --- NOT Root Shell
29/11/13 11:16:43 /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
29/11/13 11:16:43 /system/xbin/su: No such file or directory
29/11/13 11:16:43 Uboot build v : ----- should be  root shell
29/11/13 11:16:43 LCD Driver IC : ----- should be  root shell
29/11/13 11:16:44 Baseband v: MAUI.11AMD.W12.22.SP.V7.P3, 2013/04/11 12:04

There is a picture of my telephone, i dont know what is the real manufacturer...

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