HTC ONE ROM TrickDroid 10 Sense 5.0 | 3.09.401.1 4.3 30.8.2013

Başlatan Mediatek, 12 Nisan 2016, 15:44:20

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[Seç][/url]Based on latest 3.09.401.1 (Football)
   Android 4.3 with Sense UI 5.0
   Fully compatible with all HTC One Models (No Sprint Support yet)
   Removed all debug code from /app and /framework
   Multilanguage support
   TrickDroid Tweaks App (Hansbert / Dunc)
   TrickDroid tweak package option
   Fixed all original HTC bugs
   Stock Kernel (Option to flash tbalden kernel)
   Advanced Power Menu
   CM Brightness Mod
   Menu tweak in Settings
   Extended Camera with more options
   Extended Quick Settings
   Menu on Homescreen
   Rooted with latest SuperUser by koush
   Deodexed with latest baksmali/smali
   Zipaligned with latest SDK
   Custom unsecured boot.img with Ramdisk tweaks
   Newest BusyBox
   Excellent battery life
   sysro/sysrw permission
   init.d scripts support
   Removed bloatware
   AROMA Installer with many options like:
   Option between different battery mods
   Auto Brightness Mod
   Exchange Mail Mod
   SMS Screen On Mod
   Remove 3 dot menu
   and many other tweaks!
   Fullwipe required!
   - Based on 3.09.401.1 (Football)
   - Android 4.3
   - New Android fonts
   - Added Bluetooth 4.0 LE support
   - Added Google Wi-Fi Scanning Feature
   - Added Google Games
   - Added Ability to Wipe Device Remotely
   - Added Ability to use HTC TV in countries without TV programs available
   - Fixed Google Keyboard FCs
   - No tweaks app yet
   - Advanced Power Menu and all AROMA options included
   - Updated apps
   - TrickDroid Tweaks App ported
   - Ported Horizontal Quick Settings (Option to toggle it optionally)
   - Added Battery icon changing in tweaks app
   - Added Icon hiding in statusbar in tweaks app
   - Added APM (Dunc)
   - More new tweaks
   - Fixed missing languages (Especially chinese and japanese)
   - Added HTC Locations App (Can be removed in AROMA)
   - Added option for TrickDroid bootanimation by he_stheone64
   - Added enhanced Launcher Menu on Homescreen
   - Updated third party apps
   - Rebased on 2.17.401.1- Thanks mike1986.
   - All should be stable again now!
   - Fixed all previous bugs (Root, init.d etc.)
   - LTE is now back
   - Debloated a bit more
   - Added volume wake (shnizlon)
   - Added exchange mail mod (shnizlon)
   - Added device varient options (shnizlon)
   - Added extended Camera
   - Added NFC Screen off option
   - Updated all apps
   Fixed Micro Lags (Reverted to old Kernel)
   - Fixed WiFi tether for AT&T and T-Mobile (shnizlon) (Need to flash this to apply it if you don't fullwipe)
   - Improved WiFi password fix for AT&T and T-Mobile (shnizlon)
   - Added back normal sound as default
   - Added option for louder sound
   - Updated Dropbox
   - Updated Facebook
   - Updated Apex
   - Updated Google Now
   - Updated Google Talkback
   - Updated Google Play Store
   - Upgrade to new framework
   - Fixed FCs in Camera, Gallery, Car and Dialer
   - Fixed AT&T support with new script (Patrics83)
   - Fixed Sprint Script (Patrics83) (ROM still not fully working for Sprint varients)
   - Merged with new 1.29.401.13 Base (mike1986)
   - Improved Audio by HTC
   - Improved Signal by HTC
   - Fixed r/w issue in stock kernel
   - Added option in AROMA to flash tbalden custom kernel with HTC logo mapped as menu
    Camera fix included!
   - Added better device support for AT&T (Option in AROMA to flash AT&T Files for signal fixes)
   - Added Sprint One support (Still not fully working but will be done) (viperboy)
   - Added option in AROMA to remove PowerSaver notification in statusbar
   - Improved Paid Apps Fix (mike1986)
   - Removed AdAway (only installs hosts files when disabled ads is chosen)
   - Fixed Volume Wake when it's not chosen
   - Updated Facebook
   - Updated Twitter
   - Updated Google Plus
   - Updated Google Play Store
   - Updated Google Now
   - Updated Google Maps
   - Updated YouTube
   - Updated Dropbox
   - Updated Nova Launcher
   - Updated ES File Explorer
   - Updated Adobe Flash Player
   - Updated hosts file
   - More
   - Fixed Camera
   - Fixed Bluetooth
   - Fixed Beats Audio Icon
   - Fixed missing Calculator
   - Updated to new 1.29.401.5 Base
   - Ported all mods cleanly on new Base
   - More Camera improvements from HTC
   - Audio and Bluetooth optimizations from HTC
   - Included many missing languages
   - Fixed adb bug (mwilky)
   - Added enhanced Camera with more options (mwilky)
    - Zoom with Volume Keys
    - Front Facin HDR
    - Geotag Recovery
   - Copy/paste gtalk Mod (Dunc)
   - Added TrickDroid wallpaper by jonas2295
   - Merged with new 1.29.401.2 Base
   - More Audio Fixes from HTC
   - More Camera Fixes from HTC
   - Security Fixes from HTC
   - Fixed Desense option missing
   - Reverted to old PlayStore
   - Fixed wakelock (acer73)
   - Minor fixes
   - Fixed LTE option not being in Settings
   - Fixed Fullwipe option (OnePageBook)
   - Updated Dropbox
   - Merged with new 1.29.401.1 Base
   - Improved Camera
   - Improved Audio
   - Many minor fixes from HTC
   - LTE Fully Working/Ported to 1.29.401.1 Base
   - Fully fixed r/w protection (Thanks to flar2)
   - Fixed Desense option not installing launcher (OnePageBook for the hint)
   - Updated PureXAudio to 3.0
   - Added option for Xposed Installer
   - Added option to remove KidMode (moved to /data/app) (shnizlon)
   - Removed AdAway as default and made as an option in AROMA
   - New Google Play Store design
   - Added ES File Explorer (Option to remove included)
   - Updated Kid Mode
   - Updated Flickr
   - Updated Twitter
   - Updated Google Search
   - Updated YouTube
   - Updated Dropbox
   - Updated Adobe Flash Player
   - Updated Nova Launcher
   - Updated Apex Launcher
   - Included Extended Quick Settings in new design:
    Can be hidden by pressing the date at the top (Joel) (pquinqu for original EQS) (Mike D for new images)
   - Added tweak to press on a notification to see app information (Joel for his help)
   - Made new Prism themeready for future transparancy options (hd2neuling)
   - Made SystemUI themeready (hestheone)
   - Fixed Exchange Mail Mod
   - Added option for PureX Audio Mod 2.0 (ZeroInfinity)
   - Updated Twitter
   - Updated Google Plus
   - Updated Tune In Radio
   - Fixed bad camera quality and resolution
   - Improved overall performance
   - Improved Camera quality (flex)
   - APM now in compact mode -> Kid Mode and Mobile Data removed (Dunc)
   - Updated framework mods to latest changes
   - Menu On Homescreen Shortcuts (mwilky/steal25)
   - Fixed Message App FC in Settings (might need to wipe message app data with Titanium Backup)
   - Added a Script without AROMA Installer, so Installation doesn't cancel (No Mods to choose though): Read here
   - Updated SuperUser
   - Updated AdAway hosts files
   - Updated Google Plus
   - Updated Google Mail
   - Updated SoundHound
   yenı boot.imgı fastboot uzerınde flaslayın, wipe a ihtiyacınız yok

[Seç][/url]Based on latest 1.28.401.6
   Android 4.1.2 with Sense UI 5.0
   Removed all debug code from /app and /framework
   Multilanguage support
   TrickDroid tweak package option
   Advanced Power Menu by Dunc001
   Menu tweak in Settings by Riyal
   Rooted with latest SuperUser by koush
   Deodexed with latest baksmali/smali
   Zipaligned with latest SDK
   UI Optimization
   Custom unsecured boot.img with Ramdisk tweaks
   Newest BusyBox
   Excellent battery life
   sysro/sysrw permission
   Better CPU Performance
   init.d scripts support
   Removed bloatware
   AROMA Installer with many options like:
   Option between different battery mods
   MIUI battery bar incl settings
   Auto Brightness Mod
   Exchange Mail Mod
   SMS Screen On Mod
   Remove 3 dot menu
   and many other tweaks!
   Yükleme Adımları
   -Download ROM
   Download tweak package (optional)
   ROMU sdcarda atın
   recoveryi acın
   Aroma uzerınden full wipe yapın
   ROMu flashlayın
   bootloader menusunde cihazı acın
   fastboot modea gecın
   boot.img'ı fastboot flash boot boot.img komutuyla flashlayın
   fastbootta cache leri temizleyin
   Full ROM 10 :
   Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap (dev host)
   Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap
   Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap

Linkback: HTC ONE ROM TrickDroid 10 Sense 5.0 | 3.09.401.1 4.3 30.8.2013
  • Gösterim 1,634 
  • HTC One M7 Custom Rom
  • 1 Yanıtlar

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