LG Nexus 4 XenonHD Stable-4.0 (3.02.13)

Başlatan Mediatek, 12 Nisan 2016, 16:59:00

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0 Üyeler ve 1 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.


   JB 4.2.1_r1.2 JOP40G
   Add reboot and screenshot options to power menu.
   Additional tiles in Quick Settings.
   Theme Chooser support. (Updated for 4.2)
   Volume rocker wake. (Settings>Display)
   Volume rocker long press to seek tracks. ("")
   Show rotation lock in quick settings.
   Bluetooth Message Access Profile support.
   Improved scrolling cache.
   Fixed December bug.
   Fixed Google location service.
   Add an option to change the device hostname.
   New moto style softkeys.
   DSPManager added with all the binaries.
   Apollo Music player added and fixed for JB.
   Added XenonHD wallpapers.
   Louder output on speaker for Maguro and Toro.
   Added Galaxy4, PhaseBeam and Holo spiral wallapers.
   Run sysinit during boot.
   Change sysfs permissions to allow user control ksm.
   Wi-fi scan time to 100 to save battery.
   Performance, battery life and other misc tweaks.
   Init.d support with added tweaks and scripts.
   SuperSU application for root.
   CMFile manager added.
   GPS, Camera, Keyboard gestures fixed.
   Build.prop tweaks.
   Battery life tweaks.
   Some secret tweaks.
   I'm forgetting soo many things. Flash and see.
   New navbar buttons.
   Added a menu item in Browser called Close other tabs.
   Open in incognito tab option in menu.
   Increased tab limit.
   Added menu option to open url in browser.
   Enabled tablet like browser on grouper.
   QuickMessage and Reply.
   Custom notification vibrate patterns.
   Timestamp options.
   Input type selection.
   Add reminder to calendar.
   Templates functionality.
   Split SMS functionality.
   Emoji and Strip unicode support.
   Kurulum CWM uzerınden yapılacaktır.
   Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap
   Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap

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  • LG Nexus 4
  • 0 Yanıtlar

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