Nexus 5 AOSB Project Rom v1.3.1 4.4.2 (Hammerhead) - 01.03.2014

Başlatan Mediatek, 12 Nisan 2016, 16:51:11

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   Değişiklikler Listesi:
AlıntıUpdate to Android 4.4.2_r2 (KVT49L)
   Multi-user support for phones and tablets
   Sound: Volume panel timeout
   Sound: Live Volume Steps
   Sound: Add battery level around unlock ring
   Sound: add support for translucent volume panel
   RecentApp: force clear caches on longclick
   RecentApp: Improve UI Rotation and animation
   NavBar: Handle navbar heights correct on dpi changes
   NavBar: Fix landscape mode on tablet flo/grouper
   NavBar: add landscape height options for tablets
   Update to SuperSU v1.93
   Port: Omni New Battery Saver mode included what user do to saving the battery life
   SystemUI: time-context headers to the notification header
   time-context evening time
   SystemUI: Fix Quick pull
   SystemUI: Fix notification header disappearing on tablets
   SystemUI: fix volume panel more button transparency
   SystemUI: Make text color orange if BatteryMeter <15%
   SystemUI: improve DessertCaseDream immersive mode exit
   SystemUI: Fix Screenshot rotation
   SystemUI: Fix led pulse for samsung devices
   Fix Xposed Backup Folder Location on dirty flash
   Expanded Desktop : Fix Left handed navbar during landscape mode
   LS Notifications: enable pocket mode and show always if activated
   Browser: Implement client-side incognito mode...........
   Rom Özellikleri:
   AlıntıOTA Support
   AOSB Exclusive Feature: Custom SmoothProgressBar
   AOKP Navigation bar menu in settings for all devices now?
   AOKP Animation Control
   ListView Animation
   Keyboard Animation
   Scrolling Animation
   AOKP Custom Navigation Ring
   AOKP Custom Navigation Bar
   ChameleonOS Gesture Anywhere
   ChameleonOS Screen Recording
   ChameleonOS Screen Recorder: add ability to record audio from mic
   TeloRadio (Connection Manager)
   Omni Audio Themes Settings
   OmniSwitch App
   Omni allow disabling call end sound
   Omni Audio : Stereo widening
   Omni Audio : Center frequency for Bass Boost
   AOSPAL LockScreen Notifications
   AOSPAL Lockscreen Blur
   Slim CRT animation: add scale down
   Slim IME options
   Slim DarkUI (system wide in black)
   Add Music Tile
   Flip to Mute/Reject Call
   Advanced BatteryBar
   Chainfire SU App
   User selectable camera click sound (disable camera sound)
   Quicktile row option:set 3,4,5 tiles per row
   LTE toggle support and Configurable up to user (LTE or 4G)
   Add Wifi name to notification drawer and option to enable/disable
   Frameworks: notification drawer background
   wide support for chinese language
   wide support for dutch language
   MediaScanner behavior on boot
   HALO: make windows move able and scale able
   Mobile Network Battery Saver Mode
   Configurable up to user (LTE or 4G)
   Advanced Battery Bar
   FB sync abbility to connect facebook contacts into contacts app
   App sidebar
   IME switcher notification
   Navigation bar with custom dimensions
   Screen video recording
   Configurable init.d
   Build PropModder
   Incoming calls dialog
   RAM bar with custom colors
   Builtin Xposed Framework
   Xposed : Per-App Layout
   Network usage stats
   ChameleonOS Active display (s-view alternative)
   AD: Display Time out
   AD: Turn Off Display
   AD: Threshold to proximity
   AD: Sort notifications by newest to oldest
   AD: HUGE Fixes
   mms: iOS features
   mms: Emoji and Smiley support
   samsung kernel super charged
   advanced low battery indicator options
   Custom Carrier Label
   Yükleme Adımları:
   Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap
   Önerilen Yükleme Sırası:
   -Başka Romdan geliyorsanız wipe data/wipe cache (factory reset) yapın!
   -tekrar başlatıp kernel flaşlayın.eger supersu bozuk yada yuklu değilse tekrar supersu flaşlayın.
   İndirme Linkleri:
   Supersu zip:
   Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap

Linkback: Nexus 5 AOSB Project Rom v1.3.1 4.4.2 (Hammerhead) - 01.03.2014
  • Gösterim 1,480 
  • LG Nexus 5
  • 0 Yanıtlar

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