rom for samsung gt-i9600

Başlatan, 09 Ocak 2016, 20:36:55

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0 Üyeler ve 2 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.

hi all sorry if i poste in english but you are my last hope , i got a samsung gt-i9600 but is hard bricked i try like 50rom on it but no one work , i still get a black screen with luminosity no sound etc...

i join a link from a forum where is all the information on my device , i hope u can help me guys , and thanx a lot !!!

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Linkback: rom for samsung gt-i9600
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if that link Watch

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before all, thx for the answer, yes is these specification of my phone on this screen , i try the rom you link but dosen't work , i already try a lot of roam u can see a screen on the link i post on the 3eme page with all the rom i try ,  a lot com from there

Here you can find your phone 's ROM according to specifications

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ROM you should try adding other shortcomings in the ROM of the same model .

hi, i try these rom , the same specification and the same phone of me on the picture but still dont work :(

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ps : is possible to my phone definitively dead because i try so many rom?

thx again for your time

So what is the problem if you are installing the correct ROM?

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