SiyahKernel ICS-R(etouched) 3.0alpha2-LPH (ICS)

Başlatan LideR, 16 Nisan 2016, 01:21:31

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SiyahKernel ICS-R(etouched) 3.0alpha2
   Kernel Özellikleri;
   Runs on both Samsung and CM9 Roms. CM9 will not be supported until the CM9 team prepares a release candidate.
   So if it doesn?t work on any AOSP, MIUI or CM9 based ROM don?t report it or ask for help.
   Auto EFS Backup
   Custom CWM touch recovery based on v5.5.0.4 with gesture support. (Thanks to sk8erwitskil@XDA)
   somewhat lighter initramfs (removed some files and added them as payload) for faster boot
   some performance tweaks (from several sources, mostly from thunderbolt scripts)
   ExTweaks interface to configure some kernel parameters.
   The config parameters are limited because Samsung has not released
   ICS Kernel source yet but you can still tweak some hotplug parameters.
   Default governor is noop (because we don?t have SIO yet).
   You can change it using ExTweaks app.
   Removing+reinstalling root support in ExTweaks interface for people who needs to run some apps which require that your phone is not rooted.
   I needed to have this feature to run a bank application which refuses to run on my rooted phone.
   You need to install ExTweaks from the market to be able to use this.
   İndirme Linki : Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap
   NOT: Deneme sürümü olduğu için çok fazla geri bildirim yok.

Linkback: SiyahKernel ICS-R(etouched) 3.0alpha2-LPH (ICS)
  • Gösterim 1,374 
  • Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100 I9100G
  • 0 Yanıtlar


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