Adele - Many Shades Of Black - Şarkı Sözü

Başlatan Tekyürek, 25 Ekim 2014, 01:04:30

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0 Üyeler ve 1 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.

Go ahead Go ahead and smash it on the floor Take whatever's left and take it wit

h you out the door See if I cry  See if I shed a single sorry tear I can't say

that it's been that great No In fact it's been a wasted year Everybody sees and

 everyone agrees that you and I are wrong And it's been that way too long Take i

t as it comes and be thankful when it's done There's so many ways to act and the

re's many shades of black There's so many shades of black There's so many shades

 of black Yeah Yeah Let it out  Lett it all out Say what's on your mind You can

 kick and scream And shout and say things that are so unkind Yeah See if I care

And see if I stand firm or if I fall 'Cause in the back of my mind And on the t

ip of my tongue is the answer to it all Everybody sees and everyone agrees that

 you and I are wrong And it's been that way too long Take it as it comes and be

thankful when it's done There's so many ways to act and there's many shades of b

lack There's many shades of black Yeah There's many shades of black Oh Oh Yeah

Everybody sees and everyone agrees that you and I are wrong And it's been that

way too long Baby take it as it comes and be thankful when it's done There's so

many ways to act and you cannot take it back (Many shades of black) No  You cann

ot take it back 'Cause there's many shades of black (Many shades of black) You

have many shades of black You have many (Many shades of black) You have many You

 have many shades of black 'Cause there's many shades of black There's so many

shades of black (Many shades of black) There's so many shades of black There's s

o many shades of black Yeah Oh Oh Oh

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