G900F Galaxy S5 AllianceROM v1 XXU1ANCF Kitkat Bol Kişiselleştime

Başlatan Tekyürek, 08 Nisan 2016, 00:11:06

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0 Üyeler ve 2 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.

Rom Özellikleri
AllianceROM Settings in SecSettings
Choose to link all color options or seperate certain ones
Choose Toggle ON Color
Choose Toggle OFF Color
Choose Toggle DIM Color
Choose Toggle Text Color
Turn Toggle Text On/Off
Show/Hide Dropdown header
Show/Hide Brightness Slider
Choose gradient and any color statusbar
Choose gradient and any color dropdown panel
Choose any color SFinder background
Choose any color brightness slider background
Choose any color Notifications Title
Choose any color dropdown header
Choose any color clear button background
Show/Hide Sfinder button next to date
Show/Hide Recents button in expanded header
Show/Hide Lock button in expanded header
Show/Hide Settings button in expanded header
Show/Hide Clear button in expanded header
Replace carrier label with alliance logo in drag bar handle
TW Launcher scrolling wallpaper toggle
Festival mode toggle
Tw home theme chooser and pre loaded themes
AOSP lockscreen toggle
Choose list animations
Show / Hide toggle gap
Top / Bottom or Off toggle position
Select number of toggles in view
Choose from about 20 different batteries
Set any color for battery
Choose left/center or gone for statusbar clock
Choose any color for statusbar clock
Show/hide small/large am/pm to statusbar clock
Show/hide small/large day of week to statusbar clock
Choose any color for dropdown clock
Choose any color for dropdown date
Choose from 3 date formats
Click dropdown clock to open data and time settings
Set function for shortclick dropdown date
Set function for longclick dropdown date
Choose any color for slider bars
Choose any color for switches
Choose any color for checkboxes
Choose any color for powermenu
Choose any color for powermenu text
Choose any color for primary text
Choose any color for secondart text
Choose any color for in app menu text
Choose any color for toast pop up text
Choose any color for power menu text
Choose any color for in app list selection text
Choose any color for tw home icon text
Choose any color for stock browser url text
Choose any color for lockscreen content
Choose any color for battery chart
Show / Hide all powermenu items
Screenshot in power menu
Choose any color overscroll glow

Choose any color Wifi
Choose any color signal
Choose any color statusbar icons
Choose any color notifcation item background
Choose any color notification item text color
Fixed the background of toggles so transparency works
Show / Hide CPU info in dropdown
Show / Hide traffic meter in statusbar
Show / Hide ASU level in statusbar
Show / Hide Blocking mode icon
Show / Hide NFC icon
Show / Hide wifi in-out icon
Show / Hide signal in-out icon
NFC with screen off toggle
Option to link all selectable colors to one single color so they all change together
Choose any image for dropdown wallpaper - OPEN ALLIANCE MANAGER ONCE BEFORE USING
Choose alpha for dropdown wallpaper - restart UI after changing
Choose any image for statusbar background wallpaper - OPEN ALLIANCE MANAGER ONCE BEFORE USING
Toggle for unstable wifi notification
Choose alpha for statusbar wallpaper - restart UI after changing
App to Restart UI included
App to Restart Launcher

Receive message with screen off toggle
Increased message limit per hour
Enabled Scheduled Messaging
Enabled Save Restore Messages (sms only)
Enabled Group Conversation Messages
Enabled Split View Option For Messaging When In Landscape
Up to 200 contacts for messages
Message sent time shown
Increased sms-mms threshold
All fonts enabled and pre loaded fonts included

Yükleme Adımları
Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap

İndirme Linkleri
Rom Zip - Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap
MD5 Sum: 7fbd156915af7c54a17175c09a7f6df8
Linkback: G900F Galaxy S5 AllianceROM v1 XXU1ANCF Kitkat Bol Kişiselleştime
  • Gösterim 1,736 
  • Samsung Galaxy S5 G900
  • 0 Yanıtlar

Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor Üye ol Veya Giriş Yap

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Benzer Konular (5)

İçerik sağlayıcı paylaşım sitesi olarak hizmet veren Replikacep.com sitemizde 5651 sayılı kanunun 8. maddesine ve T.C.Knın 125. maddesine göre tüm üyelerimiz yaptıkları paylaşımlardan kendileri sorumludur.Replikacep.com hakkında yapılacak tüm hukuksal şikayetleri İletişim sayfamızdan bize bildirdikten en geç 3 (üç) iş günü içerisinde ilgili kanunlar ve yönetmelikler çerçevesinde tarafımızca incelenerek gereken işlemler yapılacak ve site yöneticilerimiz tarafından bilgi verilecektir.
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