G900F Galaxy S5 Echoe Rom v2 XXU1ANCF KitKat 4.4.2 Aroma

Başlatan Tekyürek, 08 Nisan 2016, 00:11:45

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Rom Özellikleri
Based on the Android 4.4.2 Official Samsung Galaxy S5 (G900F) Firmware XXU1ANCE
*** With Echoe's own custom S5 "AEL" Kernel***
*Prerooted (SuperSu v1.94)
*Deodexed (smali 2.0.3 and baksmali 2.0.3)
*Ex-FAT Support
*Custom Echoe Rom Settings allow for FULL CUSTOMIZATION of your phone as well as
access to the Echoe Kitchen for OTA mods, tweaks, apps and themes
(CREDITS: Ficeto for his CustomSettings.apk)
*The Amazing OG Battery Mod with the ability to choose over 85 beautiful battery icons
*Echoe Extended 4-way Power Menu
*Call Recording
*With Viper4Android
*Fully modded SecMms app:
. No SMS to MMS conversion for messages
. No SMS to MMS conversion for emojis
. Enabled Group Messaging
. Show sent (real) time instead of time received
. Enabled Save/Restore function of your Messages to your SD Card
. Enabled split view mode on landscape screen
. Enabled the Screen on/off toggle
. Enabled Folder View Mode
. Enabled the ability to send a message to more than 1000 recipients at the same time
. Increased the SMS hour limit to 1000
. Increased the Max MMS size to 2048000 bytes
. Increased the MMS Image size to 4096x2048 [8.4MP]
*Implemented by default up to 7 apps in toolbox
*Keyboard with secondary symbols for all languages enabled
*Enabled Call Button in Contacts
*Added Shutter Sound Menu in Camera Settings
*Enabled All System Languages by Default (thanks to the GREAT wanam!!!)
*Exit menu in stock web browser
*Enabled Quadview (up to 4 windows) in multiwindows
*Added custom color in Calendar (Sat and Sun are a bit more colorful now)
*Extended Speed-Dial Entries to 100
*Per APP DPI Control
*Added Latest Xposed Framework (Credits: rovo89)
*Added Wanam Xposed Module: (Credits: Who else??)
*Added Gravity Box Xposed Module (Credits: C3C076)
*Added PerApp DPI Xposed Module (Credits: Tungstwenty)
*Added AdAway (THANKS TO THE CREATOR: mrRobinson)

***UNIQUE 3 in 1 Aroma Installer with the following options***
A. ROM Installer
B. Kernel Installer
C. Bloat/ Mods Installer
E. 3 Types of Installation (Full, Slim and Custom)
F. Bloat (Choice of approximately 20 apps that are considered bloatware to choose from)

G. Kernels:
i. Stock NCE Kernel
ii. Exclusive Custom S5"AEL Kernel" (check post #4 for Kernel Specifics)

H. TW Launcher Mods:
i. Stock Modded for Speed
ii. 4X5, 4X5 Modded for Speed
iii. 4X5, 5X5 Modded for Speed
iv. 5X5, 4X5 Modded for Speed
v. 5X5, 5X5 Modded for Speed
vi. 5X5, 5X6 Modded for Speed

I. SystemUI Mods
i. Stock
ii. OG Battery MOd
iii. OG Battery Mod and Quick Launch PAnel

J. Additional SystemUI Mods:
i. Lock Icon
ii. Home Icon
iii. Lock and Home Icon
iv. No Additional Mods

K. Phone
i. Stock
ii. Call Recording

L. Keyboard
i. Stock
ii. Echoe

M. Framework
i. Stock
ii. Transparent

J. Boot Animations
i. Stock S5
ii. Stock S4
iii. Echoe Illusion
iv. Echoe Kit Kat

K. Boot Sound
i. Stock S5
ii. Stock S4
iii. Pink Floyd "Time" Boot Sound

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  • Gösterim 1,748 
  • Samsung Galaxy S5 G900
  • 0 Yanıtlar

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